Below you can see some of the changes that have been implemented by the Benalmadena Town Hall.
Tax Measures
- Blue parking zones have been suspended.
- Local taxes starting in April have been postponed: Tax on mechanised vehicles, parking (vados) and cemeteries.
- Payment receipts from public kindergartens will not be issued as long as the State of Alarm continues.
- Students at local schools, workshops and the Permanent Training Center will not have to pay their fees as long as the State of Alarm continues.
- The Sports Board will not issue the third term receipt to 11.000 users in the city.
- Advertisers who hired their advertising spaces through the local company InnoBen will not have to pay for the services as long as the State of Alarm continues.
- Admission on the Register of Inhabitants can be requested at the local website.
- The Local Administration has created a public list of shops (such as fruit shops, butcher shops, bakeries…) which provide home delivery services in order to promote domestic economy.
- Local Administration is proritizing the payment of invoices from suppliers working for the institution to provide them liquidity in times of crisis.
- Local administrative procedures have been suspended.
- Landlords can request a 95% grant on property tax (IBI) as long as the rental contract is a Residential/Long-Term contract type.
- Construction, Installation and Works tax and fees will not be charged on listed minor works.
- Occupation of Public Street receipts will get a discount equivalent to the duration of the State of Alarm.
- Vulnerable economies can request postponements of tax payments and payment plans.
Ayuntamiento de Benalmádena
- SMEs and freelances can postpone tax debts (up to 30.000€) for 6 months, and 3 months of qualifying period.
- Vulnerable families can request grants on the property tax (IBI). The Social Services Area will start up an additional grant package in order to help those families who have difficulties on the payment of the property tax.
- Freelances, entrepreneurs and individuals can request a postponement on the property tax (IBI) and business tax for catering industry and service industry companies.